
Goals for 2019 with Your Love <3

Goals for 2019 with Your Love &lt;3

Happy New Year!!! Can’t believe another year has gone by so quickly! You know what that means - New Goals for the New Year! This is a special year because you and your significant other can make resolutions together. This is when the word TEAM comes in. Below are some of our suggestions for “New”lywed resolutions that can help strengthen your relationship.

Blogging with Riding Tandem: What are we Pedaling Toward?

Blogging with Riding Tandem: What are we Pedaling Toward?

Hey Girlfriend! Welcome to Riding Tandem’s blog! Before we get started with this ride, we just wanted to let you know why we started a blog and what you can expect to find here. Anytime we start a ride, we need to know where we are going and why we want to go there. Am I right?