Tips to Keeping Your New Year's Resolution


Many resolutions are thought of every new year, but how many people do you know actually stick with them? Everyone can agree, keeping resolutions can be challenging, that is why we want to share some tips and tricks to help you keep and maintain yours!



Setting smaller goals will help you ultimately reach your main goal! Instead of saying “I want to lose 60 pounds by the end of the year”, set smaller resolutions for yourself. For instance, “I want to lose 5 pounds each month” is a more attainable resolution. And this way you will be able to keep yourself more accountable, as well.



If your resolution is not measurable then there is really no way of knowing if you are achieving it or not. So, instead of saying “I want to be more active this year”, your resolution could be, “I want to go on a 30 minute jog every Sunday”. This resolution is measurable and it will once again, help you keep yourself more accountable.



Creating a vision board is a fun and creative way to help yourself keep your resolution. Once made, you can hang it up in a place you will be able to see everyday. Physically seeing your goals will motivate you to keep pushing and achieve your resolution! You can even make an evening out of it and gather your best gals and guys to create vision boards for the new year!


We all know achieving your resolutions can be hard work and discouraging when not met. But using these three tips will certainly help you stay positive throughout the process of achieving your New Year’s resolution!

What is your New Year’s resolution? Share with us in the comment section below!


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