Gifts Ideas for your Significant Other


The Holidays are coming up and we know how excited everyone is!!! We falalalove Christmas, with trees being decorated in pretty ornaments and stockings being stuffed, all with your favorite Christmas jams blasting throughout the house. The smell of baked sugar cookies fills the air. We know Christmas shopping can be stressful, especially if there is added stress to find an extra special gift for that extra special someone in your life. So, we are here to be Santa’s helpers, keep your Holiday Spirit lifted, and give you some fabulous gift ideas! 

Picking the Perfect Gift for your Man  

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Everyone says this is the easiest job, picking out a gift for that special guy in your life, but honestly, it is hard. When it comes to the guy picking out the girl’s gift, there are so many options compared to the little variety for a man. Before you start shopping, think about your man and what he likes and doesn’t like. Write a list of things he constantly does or usually buys at a store. You don’t have to give him a huge expensive gift, but if you want to, you can-LOL! The gift you choose should come from the heart, something sentimental, an experience, or even something funny that brings back a special memory. Don’t make it too hard on yourself, just think about him and in the end, you know he will love it because it comes from you!!! Here are some ideas we came up with: 

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Picking the gift for a girl!!  

It’s the girls turn now! There is so much variety for women, but sometimes men just get lost on what to buy. Again boys, we are here to help you stay #1 on the list with your ladies. Think about what your girl is like. Is she more sentimental or more on the silly side? Keep in mind her favorite colors, favorite stores, and favorite objects. When it comes to girls, I think we can speak for all women we like sparkles, heartfelt, and exciting gifts! Maybe it is time for you to put something sparkly on her finger;)  

We hope this list helps you in your holiday shopping! Do you have ideas that we should add to our list? What have been some of your favorite gifts from your significant other? We would love to hear! 

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