Hitting the Four-Year Marriage Marker

This week Robert and I are celebrating our FOUR-YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! Where did the time go? Leading up to our wedding day, I remember talking to our couple friends who had been married for 3-5 years and thinking that they were so far ahead of us. Although we have learned a lot about each other, we are far from having this married thing figured out! Robert and I know how to push each other’s buttons, but we also make each other laugh and encourage each other to fight for our dreams and passions.


Pushing Each Other’s Buttons

Living together and sharing space quickly brings out pet peeves and preferences. Before we got married I had no idea how much I valued a bed made in the morning and a clean kitchen sink. Robert is always on the hunt at the nearest thrift store to find a good deal to upsell, but little did I know how much this hobby could accrue in our little home. Although having a tidy house and thrifting are not wrong, we are constantly fighting for balance of both in our home. 

Laughter Brings Us Back Down to Earth

Robert’s upbeat personality is what first attracted me to him. He has a zest for life and so many little quirks that even still catch me off guard and make me laugh out loud! It is easy for me to get so focused on productivity and caught up in my to-do list, but I need to make more time to relax with my husband and just let ourselves laugh about the little things in life.

Shared Passions

Since we got married young, we knew that we would still be pushing through grad school and discovering who we wanted to be as professionals in married life. Robert has been so supportive as I’ve started this Riding Tandem wedding business and studied counseling until my brain bleeds. Year five has been on our minds for a while now because in year five of marriage we will BOTH BE DONE WITH GRAD SCHOOL…say whaaaat?! To put it lightly, we are so excited to be married and done with school! This next year of marriage is going to be good to us. We’re just declaring that right now, okay?

Finding time together is so important for couples to keep sight on what is important in life. We need to stop and enjoy the now, not criticize our differences, pout about what we don’t have and constantly day dream about where we want to be. Together, Robert and I love to ride bikes, eat Lux breakfast sandwiches, watch Netflix (currently obsessed with Riverdale), and blast Spotify playlists after a long day. What do you like to do with your other half? I would love to learn more about your love story!

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Photographer | Emily Saunders Photography

Flowers | Array Design

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